Orion On Life As Exploration
In life there is nothing for one to finish and complete. You do not wind up with a final oral exam; that is not what life is. Whoever within thinks you are going to get it all done and all right and get to transcend, gets in the way of living life. Life is ongoing. You are always traveling. Now I am here. Now I am there. You don't want to get an "A." Life is an ungraded course that truly and simply has to do with all the reports of your experience and what you have learned and how you have seen something different along the way. It is a sharing.
Sometimes life is learning and sometimes not. Art, music, and dance for example, are expressing elements. Sharing the tales of the journey is, in itself, an expression of the vitality of life; reflecting our deep awareness of the truth of the interconnectedness of all things. There is no end goal. Rather, life is a continuing willingness to share, to exchange and be with each other. Many people carry a 'goal keeper' within; thinking if they get life all done, they'll leave with honors.
Life is an honors program. It is a mentoring program, but it is not mentoring with a goal. We are all mentoring each other. It is a sharing program, a dialogue system. And none of us engaged in this exchange, really know what is going to come from all these dialogues. Nothing may come of them. They may be like art, in that we are expressing moments of our lives. We have moments of feeling that we are building upon one thing and another. We have moments of linear progression. But it really comes back to the best metaphor, which is music.
We are dancers. We are moving to rhythms and sharing those movements with each other. We are trying to express through our movements. We are always contributing to and building in the sharing of our lives, in the looking at life and in understanding life. Those words and feelings are part of the All. Your articulations effect one another; sometimes a specific individual and at other times in ways you do know. Articulations may bring words that others, even us, will carry to another. And in addition, the words of such sharing exist as energetic movement and become available. They come present, they become manifest and that energy encaptured in your conceptualizations exists. So someone far and wide, across time and space, may touch into them. Others may resonate in ways you cannot know. When you try to sense into and articulate your feelings about a situation or another, that very understanding can touch the one you are considering about. As your own energy leads your own internal changes, those integral changes can then effect the other. They may effect the friend you shared with and that friend may be moved and carry their own response to your insight to another. On and on and on.
This is the engagement of aware living. This principle arises in every workshop, in support groups, in each intimate exchange. For many of you, who have embraced self-inquiry as a key aspect of living, the focus of inner exploration is clear. The modalities become clear, sharing, writing, creating. There is no pressure or need to know final outcomes and completion dates. And is it a completion date or is it a shift date? And that shift will have its own journey unique unto itself. In the very least, one cannot get bored with the perspective of life as exploration
Featured in Expansion - the Orion Wisdom newsletter August 2006